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GT- ceramic fiber paper M

Product Description: A,???? fiber paper to loose cotton as the main raw material, adding a very small amount of inorganic or organic binder, the wet forming process and refined, its precision manufacturing techniques ensure uniform fiber dispersion and strictly control the thickness and density. Has the advantages of high temperature resistance, thermal shock resistance, chemical corrosion resistance, low thermal conductivity, high temperature insulation. Portable carrying, convenient construction and it is suitable for the deep processing. Two, product features:???? low thermal conductivity, thermal shock resistance, high strength and tear resistance, high toughness, good sound insulation, low slag ball content three, product application:???? expansion joints furnace door and sealing materials, heating equipment for heat insulation and electrical insulation materials, high temperature sealing gasket, automobile muffler, the muffler exhaust pipe insulation material, decorative glass production model, various industrial furnace and ladle, casting, immersion nozzle of the high-temperature insulation material, asbestos substitute products four, physical and chemical data


The model GT-1000 GT-1260 GT-1400 GT-1600

Classification of temperature (c) 1000 ℃ of 1260 ℃ and 1400 ℃ of 1600 ℃

Bulk density (Kg/m3) 180-220 180-220 180-220 180-220

Dead-burned line shrinkage (%) (x24h at 800 ℃ (1000 ℃) <2.5 x24h <2.0 (x24h) at 1000 ℃ (1500 ℃) <2.5 x6h) <2.0

The organic matter content (%) <10 <8 <8 <8


Note: Product data are average values from the test have, fluctuate in a certain range, the data do not represent the product quality assurance data. Five, the product specifications used???? 30000x610x1/2mm10000x610x3/5mm